Material Palette v1.1.2+4
Small palette app with predefined (by Flutter) material colors and ther shades


A color palette from Flutter's predefined material colors. Yes, yet another color palette.

Currently (v1.1.2):

  1. App contain list of predefined material colors
  2. There is list of predefined shades for all colors
  3. Almost for each there is also accent shades (excluding brown, grey and blueGrey)
  4. By tapping on concrete shade you'll get a dialog, where you'll find HEX, RGB and Flutter's variable representations of color
  5. By default app shown with dark theme, but the light one also exists
  6. You can check for updates from the settings screen
  7. App has multiple language support, currently there are:
    • Russian (developer's native)
    • English
    • Ukrainian language added by @SN4S

If you want to add one more language, please read the Localization guide. Also please leave feedback about this guide (i.e. if it need for improvement)

Few demo gifs are here: media/demos

Used packages (libraries)

  • shared_preferences to store settings
  • auto_route to simplify usage of flutter's navigator 2.0 mechanism
  • flutter_bloc to manage current app state with Cubits
  • flutter_localizations and intl_utils for supporting multiple languages
  • url_launcher to be able to forward user to browser with app's homepage (Github repository) and to latest update page, when updates will be found (in Github Releases)
  • http package to be able to manually check updates (from Github Releases section)